Discover new ways to sharpen your skills or explore new areas of animal welfare in HumanePro's Trainings calendar. Check out featured events, search upcoming trainings or simply scan the archives for webinars. All calendar listings are trainings specifically designed for shelter and rescue professionals and volunteers.
How to use data to remove unnecessary barriers to adoption
Humane World for Animals
Upcoming trainings + events
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Archived Webinar
Humane World for Animals
We've put together our best resources on spay/neuter, all in one place. Complete the bundle items and earn a certificate of completion! -
The foundations of trauma-informed organizations
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
Learn how to incorporate trauma-informed approaches in your organization.
In this recorded webinar, you'll learn:
Archived Webinar
Solving conflicts with bobcats
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
While generally very elusive animals that most people never catch a glimpse of, sightings of and conflicts with bobcats have increased in some communities across the U.S.
Archived Webinar
Rethinking your agency’s response to rabies vector species
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
Do your agency’s standard operating procedures require you to automatically euthanize rabies vector species, even when human or domestic animal exposure has been ruled out?
Archived Webinar
Iguanas (and other non-natives): Management, strategy and humane control protocols
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
Iguanas, tegus, and other invasive reptiles create unique challenges for communities and animal protection agencies because of limited humane options for their capture and disposition.
Archived Webinar
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
Sightings of and conflicts with bears are becoming more and more common in urban and suburban areas across the U.S. Responding to the public’s concerns about these wild neighbors can be especially difficult, given the greater potential for dangerous encounters.
Archived Webinar
Becoming a more wildlife-friendly agency
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
Featuring the real agency experiences from the Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA), this webinar will provide the roadmap and resources needed to begin transforming the way your agency and community deals with wildlife.
Archived Webinar
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
With a mission to protect all animals, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) stands on common ground with those who care about both cats and wildlife. With determination, innovation and collaboration, we believe that human-cat-wildlife conflicts can be humanely resolved.
Oh dear, what to do about deer
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
White-tailed deer are North America’s most abundant large herbivore and they, like many other wild species, are often a part of our neighborhoods and communities. Not only have white-tailed deer adapted to human-dominated landscapes, but because of how we’ve built and landscaped our cities and towns we’ve provided them with the kind of suitable habitat they prefer.
Archived Webinar
In it for the long haul: Combating compassion fatigue & building resilience
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
The animal protection field is both incredibly rewarding and challenging. This course will discuss the causes and symptoms of compassion fatigue and provide a suite of skills for building and maintaining a healthy and intentional culture of skillful communication, openness, and personal responsibility.
Topics to be covered:
Protecting Your Pets and Wildlife from Traps
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
Most pet owners and animal care professionals think that traps ( foot-traps/snares/body-grip/cage traps) are a danger for only a few winter months of the year for fur trapping. The reality is that in every state these devices can be legally set at any time in the name of predator control or “nuisance” wildlife control.
Solving Problems with Raccoons
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
Our cities and communities provide near-perfect habitat for these wildlife generalists and while perspectives about raccoons will range from charming inhabitant to source of conflict, raccoons will remain a quintessential part of urban living.
Solving Conflicts with Prairie Dogs
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
Are prairie dog colonies causing conflicts in your community? Or are you looking for the best way to preserve populations of this keystone species? Either way, join us for a free webinar, in which we will share the best methods (shaped from our years of experience in the field!) for coexisting with prairie dogs and solving conflicts.
Handling “Nuisance” Wildlife Calls
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
Getting calls from the public about opossums stuck in garbage cans? Foxes denning under sheds or porches? Woodchucks nibbling in the garden?
Reuniting & Renesting Orphaned Wildlife
Humane Society of the United States
Recorded webinar
Does your agency or organization get calls about birds and squirrels fallen out of nests, very young raccoons seen without mom, or fawns and baby rabbits alone in fields or backyards? Whether or not you respond to these types of calls or refer them to a wildlife rehabilitator, this webinar will help you determine and achieve the best outcome for these animals.
Archived Webinar
Solving Problems with Canada Geese
Humane Society of The United States
Recorded Webinar
Large flocks of Canada geese have become common in parks, golf courses, and other open spaces across North America. And where there are geese, there are droppings! This creates conflicts between people and geese, especially during the summer.
Archived Webinar
Did they actually live happily ever after? Debunking translocation myths
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
It’s commonly thought that removing wild animals from our backyards and neighborhoods and releasing them into seemingly suitable habitat miles away is a humane approach for solving conflicts with wildlife. But is it actually?
Archived Webinar
Humane World for Animals
Recorded Webinar
Getting calls about coyote sightings and conflicts in your community? If not, you probably will be soon! Now firmly entrenched in every state (except Hawaii), coyotes are well adapted to urban and suburban areas and are all around us! While their presence is often alarming to the public, conflicts with coyotes can be easily avoided and solved.
Leadership Accelerator: Effective Strategies to Make DEI Stick
The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement
This program will offer senior leaders the tools to guide their organizations through the complex challenges of embedding DEI principles and practices into their animal welfare organizations. This program takes place across 4 online workshops: Mondays, 3pm - 5pm ET on March 24, April 21, May 19, and June 16 -
How to use data to remove unnecessary barriers to adoption
Humane World for Animals
Adopters Welcome webinar series | Part 3
In this webinar, we’ll dive into the barriers that may exist for potential adopters. By using data, we can create an inclusive and barrier-free adoption experience that streamlines the process for staff and the community.
Translating Adopters Welcome into other shelter programs
Humane World for Animals
Adopters Welcome webinar series | Part 4
Adopters Welcome is a community-centered philosophy that can easily translate into all aspects of animal shelter and rescue programs, including lost pet reclaims, access to veterinary care, foster programs, and more. Learn how to bring the Adopters Welcome framework into all parts of your work.
The Roundtable: Navigating Resistance and Strengthening Community
The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement
This roundtable discussion explores the realities of helping animal welfare organizations make progress toward their equity and inclusion goals, despite roadblocks and resistance. -
The Clinic: Steps to Building Change Coalitions
The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement
This interactive workshop will equip leaders with tools to respond to common pitfalls that occur when implementing inclusive practices and sustaining culture change efforts. Participants will share stories and develop an action plan to respond to roadblocks and resistance. -
Humane World for Animals
Recorded webinar
Animal care and control agencies get calls for both wild pigeon complaints and domestic pigeon rescues. This workshop demystifies the categories and breeds from rock doves to racing homers. It will offer resources for you to trace banded birds to their owners.